Falling for the Ghost of You Read online

Page 16

  Work is a zoo. We get three new high needs residents, including a wheelchair bound woman named Marge—while sweet as can be—works the call button like a buzzer on a game show. I'm in her room every five minutes, and it throws off my whole schedule. I have to run to get everything done on time, which leaves little time to hang out with Helize.

  To top it off, Zane is tied up with some special project at work—some new software that needs to be ready for launch by the beginning of December. I haven't seen him since the night he stayed over. He's missed all the pre-wedding events, and Mom is starting to freak out that he'll miss the actual wedding. She's already a nervous wreck, and guess who has to hear about it?

  So I've been a bit grouchy lately. Okay, a lot. Zane missed Thanksgiving, which sucked. All of Mom's side of the family manages to make it down—and since the wedding is in eight days, they’ve been staying with us. So now the house is full of Harringtons.

  Maybe it's a good thing he couldn't make it. Though I did tell him about the highlight of the evening—Great Grandma Frances cornering Bill in the kitchen with a spoon and a (clean) adult diaper. The look of terror on Bill's face was...sublime.

  Great Grandma's a little nutty.

  We've been fighting a lot, lately—Zane and I. I'll admit, most of it is due to my insecurities. I can't help but obsess over what Zane's doing at the moment. Is he eating dinner alone like he says he's doing? Is he really still at work at eight at night? Why can't he spare a few hours to make it to the rehearsal dinner?

  My imagination starts going wild, and Zane gets exasperated. Especially since I don't come right out with what's bugging me. Even though we both know. But the sick thing is...I kind of like starting fights with him. It's devastating, exciting...foreplay.

  I know. I'm a freak. God, I can't wait to see him again


  Chapter 23

  Mom's wedding...

  The day starts out cloudy with a cool breeze. Mom is freaking out, worried that it will rain, even though the wedding planner assures her they can easily move the ceremony into the great hall if even a tiny drop of rain dares to fall.

  She's driving me crazy. Mom—not the wedding planner, that is. She refuses to let me leave her side for even a minute. She is ridiculously nervous, and shaking like a leaf.

  She looks beautiful, despite her nerves. Mom's wearing a simple white sheath dress that doesn't overwhelm her delicate figure. She keeps her makeup minimal and natural-looking, her pale blonde hair pinned up with a white lily. I love her classy elegant style. It's what I'd want for my own wedding. Assuming I'd ever get married.

  The wedding is being held at Woodburn Estates, in the fairy garden. Vibrant exotic flowers bloom everywhere and colorful twinkle lights are subtly woven through branches and wrapped around old fashioned lamp lights. The big white gazebo drips with lights and flowers, and Jeri, the wedding planner, informs us that most of the guests have been seated.

  "You look so lovely, Violet," Mom says, her eyes brimming with tears.

  "Don't cry," I warn her, handing her a tissue just in case. "And thanks. You look amazing, too."

  She carefully wipes the corner of her eyes, then waves a dismissive hand. "Thanks, love. At my age, I just hope I don't look too ridiculous. Oh, have you seen Jane? I found some earrings she can borrow."

  I grab my phone and ask Jane to come to our cottage. Then I text Lauren for the fifth time.

  Me: Is he here yet?

  Lauren: Haven't seen him. Don't worry, he'll be here!

  I sigh. Zane can't miss the wedding. I will kill him if he does.

  To distract myself, I check my reflection in the full-length mirror. I love my dress. It’s a strapless dark blue jersey material with a full knee length skirt. My hair is down in loose curls, one side pinned up by a glittering barrette made by my grandmother. I wish I could wear Zane's bracelet, but today is so not the day to have the attention focused on my wrist.

  I feel sophisticated and glamorous for a change. I wonder what he'll think of me. It's going to be so hard to pretend he's just my future step brother. How am I going to pull that off in front of my family? What if I blurt out something completely inappropriate again? I might—it's been known to happen.

  Worry and doubt swirl in my head until I am nervous as Mom. We stand by the window, shaking like leaves in the wind, and jumping whenever anyone tries to talk to us. Then Mom chokes on a mint, and I unnecessarily perform the Heimlich maneuver on her—unnecessary because she spit the mint out as soon as she started choking. Fortunately, I don’t break any of her ribs, and we end up laughing hysterically about it. Not sure why.

  Before we are ready, Jane and Jeri are ushering us to the gazebo. On the way, I text Lauren.

  Me: Do you see him??

  Lauren: Yeah. And wow!

  Me: Wow what???

  Lauren: You'll see

  Ugh! As if I wasn't nervous enough already! And why does Jeri keep pushing me? I slap her hands away, annoyed.

  "Go, Violet!" she hisses.

  She gives me a giant shove, and I'm suddenly stumbling down the aisle with everyone in the rows of chairs turning to look at me.

  I only trip twice, which is amazing, considering these three inch heels. Clutching my bouquet, I concentrate on floating down the aisle.

  I barely see the smiling faces of family and friends, barely notice Bill, looking spiffy and uncomfortable, waiting in the gazebo. My gaze is completely focused on the beautiful boy in the crisp tux, standing straight and tall next to Bill.

  He is amazing, the most perfect thing I've ever seen in my life. So effortlessly elegant and sexy, he seems utterly untouchable to me.

  And that god is my boyfriend!

  Zane watches me walk down the aisle, a hint of a smile on his ineffably beautiful face. I can't help the huge grin on mine. I take my position, overcome with a lovely sense of joy. I am so grateful to be right here, right now.

  I have to tear my attention away from Zane to watch Mom make her entrance.

  Here we go.

  I am far from the sentimental type, but I fight back tears as Mom and Bill exchange their vows. His is laughably simple, but the smitten look on his face says it all. Mom is much more elaborate, tears falling freely as she expresses gratitude for her life, her family...and the man standing beside her. Those who know what she's been through cry with her.

  I am so happy, and so proud of her right now.

  In a daze, I realize it's over. Zane reaches for my arm and escorts me down the aisle. He supports most of my weight, which I am super grateful for. I’m an emotional mess, and I don't think I could have made it alone.

  "Well, now you're officially my step sister," he says out of the corner of his mouth. "Is it inappropriate to tell you how god damn beautiful and sexy you look right now?"

  I laugh shakily. "Not any more than me telling you I'd like to rip that tux off your body with my teeth."

  Zane leans his head back and laughs.

  I don't know why. I'm not kidding.

  The reception is held indoors, in a ball room decorated in the wedding colors of blue and silver. The multitudes of candles set off the gorgeous chandeliers with their flickering lights. It's magical, and I can't enjoy it.

  I stand next to Lauren's table, fuming. I should be with Zane, but I'm not. Why? Because we both decided we couldn't be that close, and be able to keep our hands off each other. Lauren also confirms that the sexual tension between us is so obvious that she feels like taking a cold shower.

  And that's why it's my slutty cousin, Taylor, pressed up against Zane's side instead of me.

  Taylor is the current Miss Nevada. I know she's blood, but I hate her guts. I hate Aunt Barb and Uncle Mike for raising such a pretty ho. I hate that no one is telling her that this is a wedding reception, not a whorehouse.

  "She's touching his arm again!" I growl. "That—ugh! Do you think she's prettier than me?"

  "I don't know," Lauren says tiredly, poking at her chicken. "You have bi
gger boobs."

  I barely hear her. "'Oh, look at me! I'm Miss Nevada, tee hee! Oh, Zane, you're so strong. Oh, I can't keep my hands to myself because you're just so—oh, there I go again, running my hand down your chest. Because I'm a tramp! That's how I got to be Miss Nevada, one blow—"

  "V," Lauren interrupts me. "Just go over there."

  "I can't," I say. "You know we can’t risk it. Did you just throw up in your napkin?"

  She folds said napkin and places it on her plate, grimacing. "My stomach's a little queasy."

  "Are you okay? You're not pregnant, are you?" I say with a little laugh. Because it’s Lauren, and there’s no way…

  She doesn't say a word, carefully not meeting my eyes.

  My jaw drops. "Oh, my god," I gasp.

  I grab Lauren's arm and drag her into the restroom. Once inside, she pulls away and locks herself in a stall. Moments later, the sounds of violent retching fill my ears. I grab a bunch of paper towels and wet them.

  Lauren finally comes out from the stall, sweaty and pale. I help her clean up, then I run out to grab her a bottled water.

  When I come back, she's leaning against the counter, eyes red and watery.

  “So,” I say cautiously. “Just to clarify—you are pregnant?”

  She bows her head. “Yes.”

  I can't believe it! Narrowing my eyes, I study her intently. She looks the same—thinner, maybe. And tired.

  Lauren is pregnant. How can this be?!

  "So...how many weeks?" I ask tentatively.

  "Nine," she says bleakly.

  "What? How? Who is the father? I'm going to kick his ass!"

  She brushes her hair away from her face. "I've been sort of seeing someone. I never told you because...I don't know. It’s complicated. And no, I'm not going to tell you who he is yet. Not until I tell him about the baby. And don't try to guess who he is!"

  A million questions are on the tip of my tongue, but I swallow them down. "Do you—what are you going to do, do you know?"

  Lauren's shoulders slump forward. "I don't know. I don't want to take care of another baby. I mean, I'm practically raising Brianna. I...just don't know."

  I take a deep breath, carefully considering my words. “Well, you know there are options if you don’t want to keep it. And whatever you decide, I’ll be there to help you. With anything you need. Hey, if you decide to keep the baby, I could be Aunt Violet!”

  Even though this is impractical, I could see us raising a baby together. I would be the cool fun one. We could be on a reality show! I love babies!

  Lauren just gives me that look. “I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. I guess I’ll talk to the father first. And I still have to tell my mother.”

  “Okay, well, have you been to a doctor yet?”

  She starts to look sick again. “No. I’m not on Mom’s plan anymore.”

  Oh, yeah. I pat her arm. “Well, we can look online for some resources. I’m sure there are a lot out there for pregnant girls. I’ll look tonight when I get home.”

  “Thanks.” She nods weakly. “Um…can we talk about this later? I think I need to go home and get some rest. Tell your mom I said congratulations, okay?”

  “Sure. Do you want me to drive you?” I ask.

  “No, that’s okay, I’m going to call my Mom. Thanks, though.”

  After a quick look in the mirror to reassure herself she’s presentable, Lauren heads for the door. She opens it, then hesitates and turns back to me. “Go talk to Zane,” she says.

  Then she’s gone, and I’m left staring at the door.

  I am…I don’t know. Shocked. Hurt. Terrified for Lauren. I just can’t believe she’s pregnant. If there was anyone more virginal than me, I thought it was her. And all this time, behind my back, she’s been doing it!

  I guess I should be mad she’s kept a whole relationship from me, but it's just so bizarre. Lauren is such a private person. She doesn’t like talking about herself, and—

  Oh, wait! I bet I know who the father is!

  Damon Fox, the football player. She’s been tutoring him since the start of school, and they seem to get along pretty well. And the relationship is complicated because Damon has a girlfriend. Shanna something. She’s in our Spanish class, though I’ve never really talked to her. And Lauren’s never liked her! She said once that she thought Shanna had the most chilling laugh she’s ever heard.

  It’s Damon, I know it is. He’d better be there for her, or I will beat the crap out of him.

  But then what? They get married and raise the baby together? I highly doubt that. He’d better at least support whatever decision she makes.-

  God. Lauren is pregnant. She's going to have a baby.

  What would happen if Zane got me pregnant? I have no doubt he'd support me no matter what. But what would I do? A part of me (and I feel horrible for admitting this) would be thrilled to have his baby. A big part of me, if I'm being honest.

  That is, until reality sets in and I find myself an unwed teen with a baby and more responsibility than I'm ready for.

  Feeling disturbed—and worried for Lauren—I finally leave the restroom. I want to talk to Zane. I won’t tell him about Lauren—I just need to see him.

  I am extremely annoyed to find him still in the clutches of Taylor. I've never liked her. She used to ignore me when I was fat, then was completely mean to me when I lost the weight.

  I hate how perfect they look, standing together. Taylor, with her long honey blonde hair, big blue eyes, and model like figure totally complements Zane's dark beauty and powerful physique. If I stood next to them right now, some photographer guy would yell for someone to get the dumpy girl out of the magazine shoot.

  Okay, but this isn't the first time I've had to shove a pretty girl away from Zane's side. I have no problem yanking Taylor away by her beautiful blonde hair.

  Dare I say I would enjoy it?

  Oh, yeah, I dare.

  Zane watches me approach, and I love the way that half smile of his lights up his entire face.

  "Hi, Zane," I say, coming up to them. "Got a minute?"

  "Actually, we were in the middle of something," Taylor snaps, glaring at me. She puts a possessive hand on Zane's arm.

  Oh, it's about to get ugly.

  "Yes, I saw." I put on my concerned face, and then lower my voice confidentially. "I'm going to spare you the humiliation—he was about to turn you down."

  I grab Zane's hand and start leading him away.

  "Violet!" Taylor gapes at us in disbelief.

  Zane shrugs at her. "She's right."


  I lead Zane out to the garden, and to a more secluded area near a little fish pond. It's softly romantic out here, with the little fairy lights twinkling in the creeping dark, and the exotic scent of flowers perfuming the gentle breeze.

  Away from the crowds, I lean against him and inhale his fresh clean scent. Once connected, I feel like everything's gonna be okay.

  Zane's arms immediately go around me. "What happened to keeping our heads down?" he asks, sounding amused.

  "I know," I say, my voice coming out muffled against his chest. "I just...missed you."

  "I missed you, too." I feel him kiss the top of my head. "Hey, what's wrong?"

  "Nothing. Just a problem Lauren is having."

  "Anything I can do to help?

  I peer up at him. "I may need you to bail me out of jail for beating someone up."

  "Who are you going to beat up, and why?"

  "It's for Lauren, and it's—well, it's not for me to say."

  "Don't beat anyone up," Zane says. "Call me first. I'll take care of it for you."

  "Oh, what, you don't think I could handle it?" I feel a little indignant. I draw myself up to my full height of five feet, four inches (five-seven in heels) and poke him in the chest. "I've been around, man. I've done things."

  "Oh, no, I can tell you're a real hard ass." Zane grins and runs his hands down my back.

  "I could kick your bu
tt," I say, moving closer to him.

  "Oh, no doubt."

  Somehow, we end up kissing. I forget where I am—it's been too long since we’ve touched like this. I press myself against him, and he trails kisses down my neck.

  Ohh, I want to...


  Aaaaaaauughh!! Grandma!


  Chapter 24

  I jump away from Zane. He moves in front of me so I can fix the top of my dress. When I'm resituated, I peek out from behind Zane's broad shoulder.

  Grandma is standing there, arms crossed as she glares at us severely. Talk about hard asses—Kathy Harrington is the real deal.

  "Hi, Grandma," I wave weakly. "We were just..."

  "Hm, I think I know what you were 'just' about to do. And in public, too!"

  Oh, this is so not good! I might catch fire, I'm burning with embarrassment. I can't even look at Zane. He's probably covered in my lipstick.

  "May I have a word with my granddaughter in private?" she addresses Zane coldly.

  "Of course," Zane replies respectfully. Then he leans down to speak in my ear. "Do you want me to stay?"

  I shake my head regretfully. "You'd better go. I'll see you inside."

  He hesitates, and I realize why when I look down and see I'm clutching his shirt with both hands. Hastily, I let go.

  Zane gives me a reassuring smile and kisses my cheek before he nods once at Grandma. "Ma'am."

  Once he's gone, I turn to her. "Okay, I know what you're going to say, but first let me remind you that I'm seventeen—almost eighteen. And I know that—"

  Grandma stops my rush of words with a wave of her hand. "Violet, I'm not so out of touch to think that you aren't having sex by now. And I'd like to think that you are smart enough and responsible enough to be safe." She pauses and sighs. "But with that one... Violet, does your mother know?"

  "No! I just...it just sort of happened with Zane." I shrug and pleat my fingers together nervously. "I was going to tell her after the wedding. I didn't... I don't know. Please don't tell her—I promise I'll do it myself."